By the sea in ancient Greece, a baby girl was born to a couple of lowly standing. Her birth would have gone unnoticed and she would have been unknown, was it not for what happened at the time of her birth. As she was born, lightning flashed and thunder pealed while waves crashed upon the rocks. Hearing this, an old woman assisting as midwife told the parents that this baby was destined for the gods.
None of the villagers knew where this woman came from or even her name, even though she had come to the village many years before and dwelt there since. But mysterious as the old woman was, she was respected and trusted by all, for she had been given the gift of prophecy by the gods, and whatever she said would sooner or later come to pass. She could not say which god the girl would follow, but she did tell the parents that the child should be raised in the temple by the priests.
Filled with fear and awe, the girl’s parents wondered what the gods wanted with and for their daughter. They were at the same time both joyous that the gods should look upon them so favorably, that their own daughter would one day serve them, and saddened that they should part with their baby, never to see their child again. Since she was born during sea storm, her parents named her Posidaeia, and as soon as they could, they went to the temple.
The priests and priestesses from the temple heard the story and agreed the child should be raised there. When she was four years of age, Posidaeia was left in the care of the priests at the temple. And there, Posidaeia grew up and was groomed for the gods.
Trouble arose when the priests and priestesses could not agree what god or goddess would take Posidaeia as a follower. Each had their own idea and trained the young girl for the one they thought would take her. Since several of the priests were training the girl thus, Posidaeia grew up feeling very burdened. There was so much to learn and so much to do, she barely had any time to rest. Throughout the weeks and months, she was constantly reprimanded by the different priests when she did what one of the other priests said instead of that particular priest or priestess. The temple quickly began to feel like a prison to Posidaeia.
Finally, when she had grown up, Posidaeia could take it no more. Wishing to be free, she left her unreasonable duties one day, and ran from the temple into the nearby woods. She ran till she could run no more, and then continued on as fast as her exhausted self would allow. When Posidaeia thought she could go on no more she heard those who were pursuing her, trying to bring her back to the temple. This made her attempt to put on a burst of speed, but instead she stumbled and fell to the ground, unable to get up so tired was the maiden. Posidaeia lay there, panting, and praying that the gods she had tried to serve would save her from the life she had lived.
The goddess Artemis saw her plight, and took pity upon the young woman. Posidaeia felt new strength running through her limbs. She began to change, growing and shrinking and twisting in new ways. Seconds later, a beautiful deer was bounding away through the woods in place of the woman lying on the ground, pleading to the gods.
Not long after, Posidaeia found herself in a clearing with a calm pool. Walking over to the pool, she lowered her head to drink. Having sated her thirst, she rose and beheld the goddess Artemis amid her followers. Knowing it had been she who saved her, Posidaeia thanked the goddess, and, summoning all her courage, dared to ask Artemis if she would protect her. Artemis told Posidaeia if she would remain with her and her followers she would have protection. The maiden agreed and at once a change came over her once again. Instead of changing from a deer, however, Posidaeia grew larger and stronger, till she was able to carry the goddess upon her back.
She was free and lived happily with the followers of Artemis for several years. Wherever the goddess went, Posidaeia carried her. That is, until she fell in love with a mortal man. She then left the entourage of Artemis to be with him, but tragedy quickly befell her and her lover. This is however, another story for another time.
The End,
God bless